The latest Hailer release included significant improvements regarding usability and task and project management in the Hailer calendar. Again we would like to thank our customers for giving us constant feedback and great ideas on how to improve Hailer. 

1. Never drop the ball- new Hailer Calendar

Hailer Events has been upgraded with a group of new features:

Timeline view

We have received feedback and wishes about the timeline view. It is here! The timeline view is a great tool to visualize your projects and ongoing tasks. You can use it, for example, resource planning and campaign management. Test it out and send us your feedback.

Show activity dates in the Hailer calendar

This is so cool. You can now manage your projects and processes as before in the Hailer Activities, but you can view for example deadlines and date ranges of the activities in the Hailer Calendar. Try it together with the timeline view.

Filter events on a user(s)

This familiar and practical feature is now available in Hailer Calendar. Use it to view only your important stuff or easily see the availability and workload of your team members and colleagues. Read more about the new Hailer Events.

2. Design improvements & simplified navigation

The UI has been revamped with simplicity in mind, allowing you to work efficiently by utilizing more screen space than before. The layout now has a streamlined flow from left to right that's easy to follow and works great independent of screen sizes. Fonts and colours have also received a facelift, increasing contrast and removing clutter in spaces where it matters the most.

3. Public form BETA

Enabling a public form in your process or dataset allows non-Hailer users to create new activities, using a publicly available form. If file attachments are enabled in your process or dataset, you can upload files using the form as well. Just use the automatically generated URL and ...voilà! Perfect tool, for example, for recruiters, construction site management & collecting customer feedback.


4. Notification improvements

The notifications can now be clicked upon to lead you to the correct discussion immediately. And finally, we made a notification when user assigned in an activity, so you can be sure that no-one drops the ball. The notification will appear to the bell icon and give a heads up for the Hailer user who has been assigned in any activity User field. This will ensure that the assigned tasks or projects will get the required attention and care. 

5. Other stuff

We made improvements to mobile usability: editing activities on smaller mobile devices should now be easier. File tagging is also possible (restricted release). It is possible to tag your files under different categories. This makes it much easier to find them. You can, for example, create tags for your sales pipeline: “Final offer” “Tender docs” and so on. Book a meeting with us, if you would like to hear more about the tagging. 


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