LNGTainer - reducing CO2 emissions with their game-changing patent solution
HailerLNGTainer had secretly been developing their game-changing container prototype. At the beginning of 2017, their new model had attracted hundreds of potential customers. In order to manage their prospect pool efficiently, they decided on using Hailer as their go-to sales management tool. Where they can collaborate internally and ensure that every view is taken into account. Hence the information available to anyone who needs it internally.
Although the R&D was ongoing for a number of years. The company didn’t have the necessary tools to keep track of customer and sales data, nonetheless development ideas.
Currently, LNGTainer using Hailer for:
- Communication
- Sales
- Internal development projects
- Marketing tasks
- And the events platform
The manufacturing and sales team are sitting in three different locations. So making Hailer platform to make sure everyone is in the know of what’s going on is crucial. And the things get done with sufficient information sharing and communication.
As the team will grow once mass production gets underway. The flexibility of Hailer will help scale upwards both in terms of team members and growing business. The team has begun creating an LNG Community-network into Hailer, where they can share:
- Information to customers
- Receive support requests
- Ideas
- And keep their network in the loop of what is going on in the market
The next step will be to integrate their ERP-system and emission monitoring software into the Hailer business intelligence interface. Making sure their data is used in the best way to manage operations and service the customer.[nectar_single_testimonial testimonial_style="small_modern" color="Extra-Color-3" quote="Thanks to Hailer, all the data can be collected into one single storage. Which can be sorted out based on our needs, thus easy to find and share between the team members. Hence our communication and response time to the -tasks at hands has increased tremendously." name="Satish Kumar" subtitle="Program Manager, LNGTainer"][nectar_single_testimonial testimonial_style="small_modern" color="Accent-Color" quote="Hailer makes the job flow smoothly by allowing everyone to see what needs to be done by who, how and when. It made our work life much more stress-free and also it has improved our efficiency by saving hours of work every day.
" name="Tom Sommardal" subtitle="CEO, LNGTainer"]